Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yvonne Johnson

If you choose not to know something,
especially if that something is something you should know,
you are morally blameworthy.

Robert P. Lawry
Director of the Center for Professional Ethics
White Street Landfill Flashback: Johnson and Perkins

Questions for Keith Holliday, Goldie Wells, Yvonne Johnson, Carolyn Allen,
Kirk Perkins, Carolyn Coleman and T. Dianne Bellamy-Small on the Landfill

Jordan Green and Yvonne Johnson

Are Guilford County, the 1/4-Cent Makes Sense Steering Committee
and endorsing organizations misleading voters?

Why is the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce
supporting the quarter cent tax increase?

Bribes or Kickbacks
Greensboro City Council Member Zack Matheny Talks Trash in Paper

Crony Capitalism and Local Developer Roy Carroll

Who did Greensboro’s Landlords Association PAC donate campaign cash to in 2009,
and who do they want to castrate RUCO?

Why did Yvonne Johnson’s campaign accept donations from MacArthur Sims,
Mike Winstead and the Realtors PAC after the pre-election filing deadline?

Pigs, Poultry and Kiss The Ass
of the Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition

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