At what cost?
Like a Swimmer Aquarium,
paid for with borrowed money?
Like a $500 million trash incinerator,
paid for with borrowed money?
Like a Swimmer Aquarium,
paid for with borrowed money?
Like a $500 million trash incinerator,
paid for with borrowed money?
Johnson took a critical stance against one of her successor’s initiatives.
“It’s very disturbing to me to have changed, and put speakers-from-the floor last [in the meeting agenda],” she said. “These are the people we serve. Thirty minutes, to me, is a very short time to listen. It’s disrespectful to put them at the end. That’s annoyed me, and I didn’t like that. If I’m elected, I certainly would work to change that.”
Johnson is a longtime political ally of Perkins, and would be considered a reliable member of his voting bloc should he succeed in his quest for the mayor’s seat.
Why did Robbie just advocate for a $13 million road by Nealtown,
while the City of Greensboro may get hit by what could be
a $15 to $25 million cut from the state for 2011/12
while the City of Greensboro may get hit by what could be
a $15 to $25 million cut from the state for 2011/12
as Guilford County Schools may take a $37 million hit
while Guilford County could lose about $20 million
while Guilford County could lose about $20 million
out of what could be a more than $80 million shortfall?
And as the city’s first and only African-American mayor, Johnson’s inclusion on the ballot would likely boost turnout in east Greensboro, where Perkins has traditionally performed well with voters.
Didn't Yvonne push for the reopening of the White Street Landfill
with a $500 million incinerator?
with a $500 million incinerator?
The pair’s opposition to the reopening of the White Street Landfill — an issue identified by two sitting members as a top priority this likely to heighten interest in the election.
Didn't Robbie, Zack, Yvonne and Dianne
vote to place $205,000 of increased debt of 2008's ballot?
Didn't Robbie, Zack, Yvonne and Dianne vote to not borrow the money
until the economy recovered?
vote to place $205,000 of increased debt of 2008's ballot?
Didn't Robbie, Zack, Yvonne and Dianne vote to not borrow the money
until the economy recovered?
“People think we’ll save much more money than we will,” Johnson said.
Where are the numbers that say the city will save money?
Where are the numbers that say the city will save less?
Shouldn't reporters disclose material information relative to what candidates are espousing?
Where are the numbers that say the city will save less?
Shouldn't reporters disclose material information relative to what candidates are espousing?
“There’s partial information because opening new cells is extremely expensive.
How expensive?
I think we ought to be developing a regional solution.
How much would a regional solution cost?
I am for waste to-energy; that hasn’t changed.”"
Jordan Green

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