Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jordan Green on what Rashad Young did not cover in Greensboro's "Community Conversations" Budget Presentation

"...Water Resources Director Allan Williams said the city will have to raise rates in coming years...

One major cost is retrofitting the TZ Osborne Waste Water Treatment Plant
and the North Buffalo Waste Water Treatment Plant
to comply with nitrogen removal requirements of the Jordan Lake Rules.

Williams also said the city needs a new sewage pump station
to accommodate projected industrial development on the city’s east side.

Why hasn't this information been covered in Rashad Young's
"Community Conversations" Budget Presentations?

The planned Intermediate Rock Creek Pump Station,
with an anticipated price tag of $8 million...

Why hasn't this information been covered in Rashad Young's
"Community Conversations" Budget Presentations?

Both the requirement that the city upgrade its facilities to comply with the Jordan Lake Rules
and the cost of a new pump station to support economic development
will require a 5.5 cent rate increase in the 2012-2013 fiscal year
and a 10-12 cent increase the following year.

Edited Excerpts from Rashad Young's "Community Conversations" Budget Presentation

Williams said the city has not calculated the additional cost of operations and maintenance
stemming from the Jordan Lake Rules, which will begin in 2015.


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