The Jeff Hyde Committee held a reverse raffle at the Conservatives for Guilford County summer picnic here is what the committee had to say about this raffle on their application for the raffle.
The Jeff Hyde Committee is holding a Conservative Victory Raffle, now through June 25th. Only 300 tickets have been printed. Enter our raffle for a chance to win $5000.00 and you would be helping elect local Conservatives to State and County offices. Your Contribution will go along way in the efforts to use Conservative Principles to tackle the Problems that face our State and threaten our prospersity. Jobs, Deficit spending and taxes, and Education. Buy a Conservative Victory Raffle ticket for $100.00 and reserve your chance to win Five Thousand Dollars on Friday, June 25 at the Take Back America Picnic. The Picnic will be held at Bur Mil Park and the winner will be annoucned at the end of the evening. You do not need to be present to win. Proceeds for the raffle will be used to purchase media ads on local TV, Radio and Print media.
Even before this raffle ever took place there was some of us on facebook who were questioning what and how he was going to handle this raffle at a Conservatives for Guilford County (C4GC) picnic. We had questioned how will you he handling the money and if they are going to make checks payable to your committee, which the Jeff Hyde Committee added to be in compliance with state law.
After this Take Back America Picnic and after last week's reporting of second quarter campaign contributions it was clear that something was missing in the returns. People had wanted to know who had won the raffle and if we can take what was reported at Guarino's blog by commentator Jon Firebaugh here is the comment
"I think the winner was a Becky Smith from Gastonia. It was the last item on the agenda. Jeff Hyde should know."
Triadwatch did get in touch with Jeff Hyde and here is what he had to say,
"Thanks for your concern. I did heed your advice and since I am a novice at running for office I called the State Board of Elections to discuss the raffle before hand and the prize after wards. I spoke with Adam (? can't recall his last name and don't have it handy) We executed the raffle according to finance laws.
The winning raffle ticket was drawn by Pam Furr of Rush Radio and announced at the C4gc. The winner was not present. When contacted the winner said she did not want the money. I contacted Adam again on Monday. and explained. I asked if their was any special form to fill out. Answer no. If their is no disbursement then no form. He also said "congratulations!" The winner #0067 does not want to be acknowledged and I am trying to respect her privacy. "
If the winner doesn't want to be identified then where is he or she in campaign returns that are in a scribd version above? When it comes to campaign donations there are state laws that also states that the maximum amnount a single person can give a candidate is $4,000 and if you did get this raffle back as a campaign gift then there should be a disbursement back to this person for $1,100 to get to the maximum of $4,000. You could get the whole $5,000 if this mystery person is a family member who won the raffle prize. Was the winner Becky Smith? and if so is she a family member?
Jeff Hyde states that he did get in touch with the State Board of Elections but there must have been some confusion on what transpired because in any case when it involves campaign contributions you will have to identify the disbursement of the raffle or if this person was giving the money back to the campaign then it also needs to be reported.It is not reported anywhere on the Jeff Hyde Committee campaign contributions. We will see what transpires and if this mystery raffle winner will need to be reported on the committee's campaign forms.

Why is there no Becky Smith listed on his campaign report? There is a Richard Hyde from Gastonia on his report but he only paid $27.00. I thought the raffle tickets were $100.00. Could Becky Smith and Richard Hyde (both from Gastonia) be related? Could Becky Smith be related to Jeff Hyde? Did he "give" her a ticket? Interesting that it would be the winning ticket.
good points. Let's see if Jeff Hyde will come clean on the whole raffle
so anon wants his privacy... although he refuses to give it to others... Tony you must be the most hypocritical person I have ever known.
jodi, i tried to throw you guys plenty of bones on this raffle on facebook at c4gc but now it has been erased before this whole thing happened and now we see from the campaign reports that something is missing. It might be that he needs to amend his report to show who actually won and donated the money back to the campaign.
I am the anon person and my name is not Tony. It is Ronnie. I also posted on the Yes!Weekly site. Perhaps you owe Tony an apology.
You must admit if the tables were turned, and Jeff Hyde's opponent handled a raffle this way you guys would be screaming from the rooftops (and rightfully so!)
If the winner was announced as Becky Smith from Gastonia as John F reports on Guarino's website and Becky Smith did not buy a ticket isn't that a reasonable cause for concern? A simple yes or no will do.
Why were all the posts on the C4cg and Hyde facebook pages that were relevant to the raffle deleted? Isn't that cause for concern? What if Hyde's opponent had done that?
What if there is growing evidence that Becky Smith and Jeff Hyde are related? Is that cause for concern? I wonder how the other ticket holders would feel. Especially in light of how secretive this whole affair has been.
I'd be careful how you throw the word hypocritical around.
Jodi, if you're accusing me of posting anonymously above you're sadly mistaken. I put my name on my posts as can be verified through the admin of this blog. You very much overrate yourself to think I would hide from anything I said to you or the other self appointed leader Jeff Hyde.
Hypocritical may be described as you deleting anything about the raffle from your facebook and the two times I posted about Trudy Wade's fundraiser.
I'm glad you have a nice hobby.
jodi as the administrator of this blog i have always seen tony wilkins use his real name on blogpost . As we can see someone else by the name of ronnie chimed in to take credit for the post.
Why would Anon assume I was calling him Tony?... and Ronnie who? that could be anyone... Give me a break.
The "speculation" that is being thrown around here as "fact", makes very clear to me why it's been bannished to the "bloggisphere".
Jeff has been in contact with the State Board of Elections and they have no issue with his campaign or the contributions he has received.
and Tony Wilkins, why would you think I was accusing YOU of being hypocritical? Do you have something to come clean on?
I guess that's what some blogging is all about, though... questioning and assuming... and even when the facts are presented still trying to drum up a story.
Good Job Boys.
jodi said...
Why would Anon assume I was calling him Tony?...
Because Jodi, you posted:
jodi said...
so anon wants his privacy... although he refuses to give it to others... Tony you must be the most hypocritical person I have ever known.
July 20, 2010 11:27 AM
At this point, it does not matter whether you checked it out with the Board of Elections. You should have been up front with the details of the raffle. The campaign finance report does not add up.
This is too funny!
Jodi writes: "Tony you must be the most hypocritical person I have ever known." in her first post.
then she writes "and Tony Wilkins, why would you think I was accusing YOU of being hypocritical?" Oh, maybe you perhaps referring to Tony Bennett.
jodi then give us the fact on who won this raffle? and where can it be shown on his campaign returns because anyone who gave $100 to his campaign has been tagged as raffle in the above scribd report. The facts are not there in the report on this raffle.The State BOE should have plenty of issues with his report
Still waiting to see what Tony Wilkins needs to lighten his conscience of...
Jodi, on May 25th there was a long discussion thread on the C4gc FB page. Can you explain why it and others, related to the Victory raffle, were deleted? Why would you possibly want to delete raffle information? It certainly wasn't done to promote transparency and accountability.
I love how it doesn't even matter, to y'all, what the BoE has said about Jeff's raffle. You are determined to make it into a story one way or the other.
As far as the raffle postings on the C4gc FB page we were advised to remove them in order to make it clear that it was not C4gc's raffle... even though we felt we were more than clear about that fact.
Ronnie, you sure seem to know a lot about C4gc's FB page... considering I can't find a "Ronnie" listed as a fan... couldn't find an "Anon" either. You got any other names you go by?
Besides, if you want to be reminded of what those conversations entailed, I'm sure they have been cut, copied and saved... probably to be brought up at the next GOP meeting.
Jodi, you don't need to be a "fan" or even "like" C4cg's FB page in order to read it!
"As far as the raffle postings on the C4gc FB page we were advised to remove them in order to make it clear that it was not C4gc's raffle... even though we felt we were more than clear about that fact"
yes jodi i was one of the ones who was letting you know about state law and let jeff hyde know to make sure the raffle is made out to the jeff hyde committee that he did change. I am trying to also say that the raffle on the reports are not correct and needs to be cleared up .
The state board of elections probably didn't get all the facts about this whole issue and now seeing the reports it probably wasn't done properly. THe boe takes anyones reports it is up to someone who would like to report a discrepency in the reports to write a letter to the BOE.
We will see if Jeff Hyde wants to amend his report on his own or let someone report it to the BOE.
Who was the winner of the raffle?
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