Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Greensboro City Council Set To Waste Taxpayer Money Going After Taxpayers Money to Hire Federal Lobbyist

Let's take a stroll down memory lane for the City of Greensboro with this post on March 2, 2011 with a title of post" City of Greensboro doesn't waste taxpayers money on federal lobbyist" here is what was in post:

At the City of Greensboro's 3-1-2011 meeting agenda item #38 was this

Agenda item for March 1, 2011 for City of Greensboro

38. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP to represent the City of Greensboro priorities to Federal elected officials and agencies. (Council District: all) (roll call vote) (Attachment #38 to Councilmembers) COPY OF THE PROPOSAL ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW.

If you would like to see what was written yesterday on this issue on TRIADWATCH CLICKHERE with a title "Greensboro N.C. Will Waste $78,000 of Taxpayers Money for a Federal Lobbyist if Approved Tuesday".

Now, we know that with a vote of 6-3 the Greensboro City Council voted DOWN the notion of wasting taxpayers money going after taxpayers money . Here are the council members who voted to NOT fund the federal lobbyist. Mayor Bill Knight, Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Vaughan, Dr. Trudy Wade, Danny Thompson, Mary Rakestraw, and last but not least Zack Matheny. These council members get the award from Triad Citizens Against Government Waste for not approving this item on the agenda.

Now, let's take a look at the usual suspects on who wanted to spend $78,000 of taxpayers money to waste on a federal lobbyist and they are T Dianne Bellamy Small, Jim Kee , and last but not least Robbie Perkins . They will be awarded PORKERS OF THE MONTH TRIADWATCH EDITION

Forward to the Greensboro City Council meeting set for this Tuesday  December 13, 2011 . Here is what is on the agenda.

44. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw and Pittman LLP to represent the City of Greensboro Priorities to Federal elected officials and agencies. (Council District: all) (roll call vote) (Attachment #44 to Councilmembers)

 Greensboro Mayor Perkins has already started with the paint in his new office as Mayor of Greensboro not even dried yet and he is wasting taxpayers money with this proposal, and to me it seems like this proposal should have been rebidded because this company was a part of the old request for proposal(RFP) which was voted down as shown above and should not be brought up again or it should be rebidded .

Should Government Agencies Be Allowed to Hire Lobbyist?

Then we have this in a past post on Triadwatch about the relationship with Greensboro Partnership and the City of Greensboro. As we see in this new agenda item the Greensboro Partnership is going to pay 25% of cost.

The Greensboro Partnership has agreed to pay 25% ($19,500) of this cost . But let's take a closer look at who might pay the total cost because in the Rhino Times this week there is a article titled "Even President finds Partnership Confusing" CLICKHERE . In the article John Hammer wrote this,

The Greensboro City Council uses the Greensboro Partnership to launder money, according to what the council was told at its work session on Tuesday, Feb. 22.

The council allocates $200,000 to the Partnership to be used by the Greensboro Economic Development Alliance (GEDA), but of that money $25,000 goes to Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI) and $30,000 goes to the Piedmont Triad Film Commission.

Dan Lynch, president of the GEDA, told the council Tuesday that the money was simply a pass-through. He said they were told to write a check for $25,000 to DGI and $30,000 to the film commission and he did, but he did not know why.

Now we have another item to add to this money laundering game the City of Greensboro wants to play with the Greensboro Partnership at the expense of the Greensboro Taxpayers who are getting hosed in this situation. It is so amazing to see the City of Greensboro wants to think about cutting a job or even a service to the citizens at the same time hire a lobbyist on the federal level when in reality we have capable leaders in Washington D.C. working in our behalf and on top of it we have a sitting Senator in the name of Kay Hagan who resides in Greensboro and we also have the other senator of this state who resides right next door in Richard Burr from Winston Salem. We can also add on the House side in Rep. Howard Coble who also resides in Greensboro as well.

If this passes on Tuesday December 13, 2011 we will give the new Greensboro City Council the Porker of the Month Award Triadwatch Edition.

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