Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Did Yes Weekly's Jordan Green just let Robbie off the hook for RUCO because he appears to be the lesser evil?

"Ms. Dellinger [Koury] moved to eliminate 2% sampling on multifamily property,
seconded by Mr. Sims.

The vote was tied 6-6.

(Ayes: Dellinger, Nelson, Placentino, Chaney, Sims, Perkins.

Nays: Akin, Rotruck, Cannon, Giles, Tuck, Smith.)

The vote died due to lack of a majority."

OCTOBER 14, 2010

"Perkins has said that he got into city politics
through his involvement with an organization
that was a forerunner to the Triad Real Estate and Building Industries Coalition,

The coalition holds its annual “Pigs, Poultry and Politics” campaign reception next week
at Castle McCulloch in Jamestown.

The website for the event conspicuously notes
that members of the general public are not invited.

The relationship between Perkins and TREBIC took a surreal turn last year
when the city’s proactive housing inspection program,
known as Rental Unit Certificate of Occupancy, or RUCO, was up for discussion.

Perkins’ company, NAI Piedmont Triad is a member of TREBIC,
and TREBIC led efforts to dismantle RUCO on behalf of its members,
property management companies and apartment owners in particular.

As city council liaison to the RUCO Board,
which was heavily stacked with real estate professionals,
Perkins was an outspoken defender of the RUCO program.

[Peter] Placentino, [of TREBIC member Brown Investment Properties]
who serves on the Rental Unit Certificate Advisory Board,
indicated in an Aug. 22 e-mail that his company holds no vested interest
in the outcome of the tussle.

Brown Investment Properties is a Greensboro real estate company
with 2,392 apartment units under its control

Didn't Robbie call for Mr. Placentino to be placed on the RUCO board?

Robbie Perkins, ...a real-estate developer ...indicated he holds full confidence
in Simmons’ handling of changes to the city’s rental inspection program.

“Butch Simmons is someone I place a high level of trust
in his judgment and ability,” Perkins said.

“...If he feels it needs to be adjusted, I will support him.

City council shouldn’t be getting into the details of RUCO.

Does it have a goal that is laudable? Yes.”

If the folks that are managing the program say they can improve it
and this is how to do it, let ’er go." [Perkins said]

Was Simmons for "improving" RUCO,
or was he pressured to cave into some TREBIC "stakeholder" demands?

"Are the changes reasonable? Yes.

Are the recommendations being made by someone who knows what they’re doing? Yes.

Why should I dispute that?”

Why would Robbie want to dispute something
his financial supporters want to have happen?

Asked whether amendments to the rental housing ordinance
brought to council for approval by Simmons
were likely to garner the required to five-vote majority to pass,
Perkins gave a simple answer.

"It should be noted that the current 2% sampling that we do for follow up inspections
was a compromise struck with stakeholders.

...the ordinance initially had reinspections every 4 years."

Sue Schwartz, FAICP
Interim Director
Planning & Community Development
Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:31 AM
"I would hope so.”

Jordan Green
"...Perkins said it’s not a big deal for him to take a position opposite of TREBIC.

...RUCO has now been dismantled,
thanks to a new law passed by the NC General Assembly
that prohibits proactive rental housing inspections.

The council voted in June to continue a decision
on whether to take a position on the pending legislation.

Did Robbie lift a finger for RUCO before the city council vote?

Did Robbie lift a finger for RUCO after the city council vote?

Did Robbie vote?

If Robbie voted yes, and used the following excuse,
how is this not not not true?

Perkins defended the council’s handling of the item,
arguing that the legislature was scheduled to vote on the bill the next morning,
and a resolution by city council for or against would not have been noticed anyway.

Jordan the meek

"would not have been noticed anyway."

Is that a joke?

Didn't Robbie send Zack to lobby the state house for the bill?

If Robbie Perkins voted to limit RUCO three times,
shouldn't somebody say something?

Where is our communities press?

Where is Greensboro's black community?

Has Greensboro's east side been sold a bridge?

Has Greensboro's press been compromised?

Have many been conditioned to believe what they are told to believe?

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