Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dear Jordan Green; Please call Zack and ask what his actual position is on the White Street Landfill

On the largest and most divisive issue that has been handled by the city council,
efforts to reopen the White Street Landfill,
Matheny has been recused because of a conflict of interest...

...Now that the solid waste company has withdrawn its proposal
...Matheny has become more voluble
about his ideas for dealing with the city’s solid waste.

Matheny said he has a list of considerations to pursue a regional solid waste solution,
which hinges on Guilford County’s southern neighbor, Randolph County,
going forward with plans to re-permit a landfill.

Where is the money going to come from
to buy into Randolf County?

"...We can alter the truck traffic going into the White Street Landfill.”

Does this mean Zack is for temporarily reopening White Street?

Matheny said before he was conflicted out on the issue,
he listened to both citizens that wanted to reopen the landfill to save taxes
and to community leaders opposed to reopening the landfill.

“I’m an emotional business guy,” he said.

“Figure that one out.”


1 comment:

Jordan Green said...

I interpreted his comments to mean that he favors using solar power at White Street to process some waste into energy rather than burying waste in the landfill. He said he's still working out his ideas on the landfill, and I'm content to wait to see how they develop in conjunction with other council members' ideas if the voters of District 3 choose to return Zack to council.