Tuesday, July 5, 2011

George "Fec" Martin vs. Jeff "Abner Doon" Hamztran?

"...the Wife and I are paying a great deal of attention to the sub-leasing trend downtown
begun at the Handmade Emporium and Elements Gallery.

A very good idea.

While the former rents booths and the latter smaller shelves,
we believe some variant of this strategy may be the solution to downtown retail.

...the Wife came up with a version we considered putting to the test,
but we couldn’t make the numbers work on a lease.

The truth is there’s only one turnkey spot available for lease on Elm at present.

Hopefully, the owners of the properties in the 300 block
will avail themselves of the DGI matching funds for renovation."


If "matching funds" are available
from the City of Greensboro Taxpayer Funded Downtown Greensboro,
how can Jeff "Fec" Martin criticize George "Abner Doon" Hartzman with:
"while he rails against city council members and county commissioners about fiscal rectitude,
his eeyolpmr sups at the dnuocsit window,
enjoying unlimited nearly interest free access to money with which to trade in the markets,
all borrowed from the taxpayer."?

If "matching funds" are available
from the City of Greensboro Taxpayer Funded Downtown Greensboro,
how can Jeff "Fec" Martin criticize George "Abner Doon" Hartzman, with:
"He and his clients profit
from ...a regular influx of more taxpayer-funded capital from the Federal Reserve"?

using Greensboro's government to wage economic war
against some "unwanted" businesses?
Why is Greensboro's City Council giving $127,500 to Downtown Greensboro
If both Downtown Greensboro and the Greensboro Partnership receive taxpayer dollars…
Should Downtown Greensboro Inc. use taxpayer dollars
 to lobby the City of Greensboro for more taxpayer dollars?

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