In the local section of Greensboro News and Record which is behind the pay wall so no links to article that on May 22, 2011 Donald Patterson has a article with a title " City Weighs shovel-ready site".
We learn from the article that in the next few weeks the Greensboro Ecomonic Development Alliance with chairman Dan Lynch with the help from Andy Scott assistant City Manager are wanting to have a shovel ready 100 acre site available to prospect for future tenants. Some of the proposal could be paid for with money from the economic bond approved in 2006.
Here is the kicker from the article:
Under the proposal a developer would provide the land and the city would get water and sewer in place in addition to clearing, rough grading and erosion control. The developer also would have to agree to certain restrictions on the property, such as not sub dividing it.
Local officials would not identify any potential developers or sites. "All that will be known when we go to council"Lynch said. That will be part of detailed proposal.
Can anyone guess who this proposal is geared toward? Could it be our local Crony Capitalist Roy Carroll? or Maybe the Crony Capitalist partner out in Rock Creek Center in Dick Beard who is Greensboro Coliseum Director Matt Brown's Head Cheerleader.
This whole idea smells like the American Express Data Center and Roy Carroll wants some back door incentives to pay for water and sewer to the development. I could be wrong on this one but i smell a rat in the making. We will see what the Greensboro Economic Development Alliance proposal is to the Greensboro City Council but hopefully we will not be hearing Roy Carroll's name on this one.
We heard for the longest time that American Expess was not wanting incentives to open up this data center but then we really know why they did not want the incentives because 6 months later they are in the process of closing a major customer service center out near the airport where more than 1,500 jobs would be moving out of the state to other centers occupied by American Express.How would it look for American Express to shut down and leave 1,500 workers out of a job but then have millions in economic incentive money coming to a data center that will employ at best 60 people.
It is always BS to hear these blowhards spewing out these no name companies that were going to locate in guilford county but the site wasn't available.
Hey Dan Lynch you would have more credibility if you didn't get quoted in paper with this:
"Lynch said one company recently came looking for a 200 acre site." They are still looking" he said when asked for details " That's all I can say"
Can't wait for this dog and pony show in front of the Greensboro City Council, with the head cheerleaders in the Greensboro News and Record following in tow.

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