Monday, March 7, 2011

Why have so many people shown up in the last 250 years?

10,000 BC...............1,000,000
8000 BC...................5,000,000 x5 in 2,000 years
6000 BC.................. 10,000,000 x2
4000 BC.................. 20,000,000 x2 +10,000,000 in 2000 years
2000 BC.................. 35,000,000 x1.5
1 ...............................200,000,000 x5.7
1750 .........................650,000,000
2000........................ 6,070,581,000 x30.35 in 2000 years
2005......................... 6,453,628,000 +383,047,000 in 5 years
2008......................... 6,700,000,000 x33.5 in 2008 years
March 2011...............6,904,353,980


Jon A Firebaugh said...

I just don't get it George, could it be that Malthus was on to something, and that the population control measures of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Planned Parenthood are the reason more haven't "shown up". What is the significance of "showing up"? Do we need more "showdowns"?

g said...

Maybe the question is:

What is the sustainable carrying capacity of Earth?

How long will it take for demand to exeed supply with 7 billion?

What happens when demand exceeds supply?

Is it happening now?