Sunday, October 10, 2010

If you )(*&^%$#!@#$%^&*())(*&^%$##@!@#$%^&*()__)(*&^%$!@#$%^&*()__)(*&^%$#!@#$%^&*())(*&^%$#... you might be a racist

"If you incite and exploit hatred and resentment against minorities
to get white votes…
you might be a racist.

If you regularly vote for the candidate
who incites the most hatred and resentment against minorities,
especially if that’s why you vote for them…
you might be a racist.

If you think Barack Obama is a Muslim…
you might be a racist.

If you think home loans to minorities caused the housing crash…
you might be a racist.

If you think minorities are engaged in rampant voter fraud and intimidation…
you might be a racist.

If you forward e-mails showing a watermelon patch on the White House lawn,
or a “Historical Keepsake Photo” of Barack Obama
as just a pair of eyes against a black background,
or anything else along those lines…
you might be a racist.

If you advocate putting undocumented immigrants into concentration camps…
you might be a racist.

If you’re so convinced all of Islam is collectively responsible for 9/11
that you think the Park51 community center is a “Victory Mosque”…
you might be a racist.

If you think the indefinite detention, torture and murder of Muslims
is not a problem because they must surely be evil terrorist barbarians…
you might be a racist.

If you show up at a political rally with a sign showing Barack Obama
as an African witch doctor with a bone through his nose,
or urging him to go back to Kenya, or, well, pretty much any of these…
you might be a racist."


1 comment:

g said...

Hi Beau,

Do convienence store clerks represent all muslims?

Does everything in Mohammad's bio represent all muslims?

Does everything in the Quran?

Does everything in the bible represent all Christians?

Should all muslims be thrown out of the US?

Should all pro choice Christians?

Are there any agnostic muslims?