Greensboro News and Record Barter Agreement With Greensboro Coliseum
The Greensboro Coliseum has barter agreements with some local companies and with the last Greensboro City Council meeting on 7-20-2010 they were funding a new facility called the VIP Room. It was pointed out on another post at TRIADWATCH CLICKHERE about questions for Coliseum Director Matt Brown in regards to bartering services and construction jobs at the coliseum . This post and other post in the coming days will show you what we received in a open records request under North Carolina state law inquiry into the barter agreements at the Greensboro Coliseum.
Part #2 Greensboro News and Record
As you can see from the above barter and trade agreement the Greensboro News and Record has around a $125,000 agreement with the Greensboro Coliseum that had a addendum for this past year . One of the contracts is from July of 2009 to June of 2010 which totaled $90,000 in trade/sponsorship/branding agreement . This agreement seems like a weekly advertisement in the Thursday edition of paper called GOTRIAD worth $77,939 along with having online trade for $12,061 for a total of $90,000.
The Greensboro News and Record will get in return
4 Carlyle Club memberships($3,000 per) = $12,000
12 Broadway Series Tickets ($300 per)=$3,600
Advance Box Office Signage ($25,000)
Concourse Signage ($8,000)
LED Storyboard ($10,000)
two portable Kiosks ($1,400)
NIE donation ($5,000 to be used for Dec 30, 2009: the remainder by April 30, 2010)= $10,000
Greensboro News and Record has open access in parking and lobby areas to sell newspapers.
GRAND TOTAL= $90,000
If you would like to see what the Carlyle Club looks like CLICKHERE , it is now called "The Club" because Carlyle & Co is no longer in existence as a local high end jeweler in the area.
The Club
We invite individuals and corporations to become members of Greensboro's exclusive sports and entertainment club and experience all the Coliseum has to offer from reserved premium Club level seats.
Your membership to The Club includes these exclusive privileges:
• A luxuriously upholstered arena seat in the carpeted prime mid-court or end-court upper level Club sections
• Professional wait staff service at your premium Club seat
• Complimentary tickets* to major Coliseum events
• VIP parking and private Club entrance
• Full access to Club facilities, including bar/lounge/dining area and private restrooms.
• Buffet service for Club Members only
Look for more post in the coming days on other local companies who barter and have advertising agreements with the Greensboro Coliseum.

Shameless cheerleading/propaganda without disclosing conflicts of interest, by Greensboro’s News & Record Editorial Board?
Should an Editorial Board with a News Editor
who profited from a taxpayer funded Coliseum real estate deal,
and with a publisher who serves on committees
whose objective is to promote taxpayer indebtedness through public works projects
while enjoying "trade/barter" agreements with the Coliseum,
advocate for Matt Brown's priorities
while riddled with unmentioned conflicts of interest?
. there something wrong with swapping advertizing,
editorial support and an overemphasis on journalistic publicity,
like what many considered to be a propaganda campaign
before Tuesday’s coordinated Perkins/Brown spectacle,
and the inevitably forthcoming positively spun rectum kiss
by the Greensboro News & Record’s editorial board
without disclosing the specifics of the tickets for advertizing agreements?
"The Canada Dry property is owned by Susan Robinson,
the wife of News & Record Editor John Robinson, and her brothers..."
Amanda Lehmert
Greensboro News & Record, September 19, 2008
If the Greensboro News & Record's Publisher and Editorial Board Member, Robin Saul, serves on the taxpayer funded
Downtown Area Consolidated Plan Committee Advisory Team,
and the Greensboro Partnership Board,
should Greensboro News and Record employees
who can influence “unbiased” news reporting
serve on committees that advocate for increased taxpayer indebtedness
with registered lobbyists?
"The Greensboro Partnership works closely with business leaders create a legislative agenda focused on key policy issues
directly affecting Greensboro, Guilford County and the Triad.
The Governmental Affairs department
advocates for these initiatives through direct staff lobbying
and by engaging every member of the Greensboro Partnership
and its affiliates as advocates."
Should the news industry be involved in lobbying?
"Governmental Affairs staff members
are registered lobbyists with the State in compliance with Ethics law."
The Greensboro Partnership Legislative Agenda
Don't Steal From My Kids.
George Hartzman
"Disappointment may follow expectations of Greensboro’s paper of record defending free market capitalism and support for local for-profit businesses against socialistic government intervention, for the Editorial Board and news division editors appear to be indifferent to the entrepreneurial spirit that made America a great country.
Many may be coming to realize that an oligarchy of a majority of Greensboro’s elected leadership, news executives and top city and county employees, have set upon the course of transferring wealth out of the hands of taxpayers and businesses to a select chosen few, while the overwhelming majority of the population remains unaware."
George Hartzman
Triad Watch
Isn’t it an amazing coincidence
that after a Sunday High Point Road/Coliseum story and Editorial
and a follow up article in the Greensboro News and Record on Monday,
Robbie Perkins, Jim Kee, Bellamy Small and Nancy
authorized Carte Blanche for the Coliseum’s Matt Brown
after being informed of possible budget manipulation
and free perquisites to the Coliseum Complex for Council Members,
possibly involving Robbie Perkins, Jim Kee, Bellamy-Small and Nancy?
If there’s nothing wrong with contractors swapping season tickets for work,
is there something wrong with swapping advertizing,
editorial support and an overemphasis on journalistic publicity,
like what many considered to be a propaganda campaign
before Tuesday’s coordinated Perkins/Brown spectacle,
and the inevitably forthcoming positively spun rectum kiss
by the Greensboro News & Record’s editorial board
without disclosing the specifics of the tickets for advertizing agreements?
More High Point Road Propaganda from the Greensboro News and Record?
Did the Greensboro News and Record Editorial Board just float a Coliseum power grab funded by more taxes?
Is the Greensboro News and Record Editorial Board saying it’s OK for community leaders to lie to the public?
Socializing losses? The GN&R Editorial Board and Taft Wireback on High Point Road
"Running the coliseum
…Matt Brown is a lot like the star basketball players…
…the coliseum's managing director, has a shooter's touch. And a shooter's memory.
Just because one Big Idea fails to draw iron doesn't mean the next one won't be anything but net.
…Brown has scored more hits than misses, and he's generally regarded as being very good at what he does.
…Brown makes a valid point.
…The coliseum is an important and precious local asset."
Greensboro News and Record Editorial Board
Greensboro's taxpayers have been had.
The polititians and the press are in Matt Brown's pocket, and no one will report it on TV or in any newspapers because thier all getting freebees.
Our political and information systems have been compromized.
"NIE donation ($5,000 to be used for Dec 30, 2009: the remainder by April 30, 2010)= $10,000"
Does this mean the Coliseum has been sending taxpayer money to the Greensboro News and Record, so the newspaper can make charitable donations?
seems strange.
It says $125,000 worth of stuff for $90,000.
The $10,000 donation from the Coliseum is included in the $90,000.
So the News and Record gets $80,000 worth of stuff for some ads in the paper.
I guess editorial propaganda and targeted news stories are included in the deal, just unmentioned.
This is probably why they won't report on the free tickets for City Council Members.
The Editorial Board pumps up the Coliseum, and then does'nt write a word about RUCO.
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