During the business item section of the Greensboro City Council meeting on 7-20-2010 we had Coliseum Managing Director Matt Brown present this:
56. Resolution approving bid in the amount of $1,227,775 and authorizing Contract No. 2010-074 with RP Murray for the Coliseum VIP Building Construction Project. (Council District: all) (roll call vote) (Attachment #56 to Councilmembers)
As you can see from the above embedded video we have Coliseum Director Matt Brown in a bartering agreement for over $300,000 with local companies DH Griffin CLICKHERE with President David Griffin and Brady Trane HVAC Services CLICKHERE with Jim and Joe Brady.
What is bartering?
Barter is the trading of goods or services directly for other goods or services, without using money or any other similar unit of account or medium of exchange.
In the video it seems like Mike Perdue the Coliseum Maintenance Superintendent has worked out a trade agreement with these 2 companies.It would be interesting to see what this trade agreement has in it.
As we have seen in past the Greensboro Coliseum has trade agreements with the Greensboro News and Record, Yes Weekly, Rhino Times as seen in this post at Vie de Malchance CLICKHERE .
One glaring question, is this legal?
Should local governments get into the bartering of services or should it be bidded out to the lowest bidder?
Did any other companies get a chance to barter for services on this VIP room?
Just a few questions to ponder and let's see if our local newspaper or one of the weeklies will dig deeper into this bartering of services at the Greensboro Coliseum.

"143‑129. Procedure for letting of public contracts.
(a) Bidding Required. – No construction or repair work requiring the estimated expenditure of public money in an amount equal to or more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or purchase of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment requiring an estimated expenditure of public money in an amount equal to or more than ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) may be performed, nor may any contract be awarded therefor, by any board or governing body of the State, or of any institution of the State government, or of any political subdivision of the State, unless the provisions of this section are complied with..."
"Advertisement and Letting of Contracts. – Where the contract is to be let by a board or governing body of the State government or of a State institution, proposals shall be invited by advertisement in a newspaper having general circulation in the State of North Carolina."
Was there an ad in the paper for a barter/trade agreement with the Coliseum?
Why not have Matt Brown trade EVERYTHING he can. We're dropping nearly $2 Million Cash into the place, if he can negotiate that in trade - GO FOR IT. It's a Win-Win, we don't waste our taxpayer dollars and he puts people into the coliseum.
don, i don't think that this is legal but will see if anyone wants to press the issue on this bartering of services. It might also be a conflict in future bidding of contracts where they might do some heavy handing of in bartering to get at the big prize of some contract, who knows. We can also see that sometimes in bartering where someone says he is doing 100,000 worth of work which is maybe at best 50,000 but inflates the service, who knows but to me it has no business as a part of the bidding process.
Be honest with you this whole million dollar from the ovations contract should be going back to the taxpayers not have some clause in it worked out by matt brown and nobody else.
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