The embedded video above is from the June 1, 2010 meeting where during the speakers from the floor segment some citizens made a call for racial unity in Greensboro N.C. . Below is the transcript of the embedded video. After Mickey Atkinson spoke you will also see that Marcus Brandon spoke as well here is the link to that post CLICKHERE.
Mickey Atkinson, 4028 Bluebonnet Drive , Greensboro
Maya Angelou wrote, “We are more alike than different.” I am not a politician. I despise the polarizing of our country, and of our city. I am a retired HS teacher who every day for the last 8 years of my career had these words on my board: “Love, forgive, and be a blessing.” It frustrates me that some of my students continue to see a few adults try to polarize our citizens, especially racially.
I am one small voice, but I am compelled to speak out. We are tired of the racial and political polarizing, and of the one percent being the loudest voice in race matters. Those who would hold press conferences to demand an investigation of an over-investigated police department, those who would coach others to declare that the city council is not doing its job, you are self-serving in your perpetual rants. You are feeding off the fear, paranoia, and bitterness that you create. It’s your M.O.
The solutions to our polarized race relations? Leaders, black and white, need to lead in speaking out, as Zack Matheny did recently. We must dialogue. People of all races need to drop the paranoia. Just because a few hold a press conference, or just because one voice on the school board is always harping about race, we cannot believe that all of a certain race feel that way.
Likewise, just because some anonymous beeps in the Rhino say white supremacist things, quit believing that the vast majority of white people feel that way. Well over 99% of us want an end to the racial polarization. Sadly, that 1% will always be among us, black and white.
The enemy of the black community is not the city council; it’s the absence of strong mentors in education. It’s not the police department; it’s the preaching of discord instead of the gospel in some churches. It’s not our prison system; it’s the self-imposed prison of the high school dropout. It’s not inequality at society’s hands; it’s inequality from the crippling effects of fatherless homes. It’s not that fraction of a percent of white extremists; it’s those voices that perpetually deflate with a paranoid attitude of blame. To those of you who say we have a culture of corruption, no, we have a culture of self-serving discord by a few.
Likewise, the enemy of the white community is not the extremist voice of self-serving black “leaders”, it’s not affirmative action, and it’s not taxes. It’s the greed of Wall St and Main St that’s destroying the moral fabric of our values system. It’s the paranoia fueled by false prophet white extremists. It is the mentality that “we” are doing all of the giving and “they” are doing all of the taking.
Let’s quit listening to these divisive voices and recognize Greensboro for its positive leadership and growth. Let’s quit publicly vilifying a police department filled with modestly paid public servants who protect and serve daily. Let’s bury the race-related paranoia by recognizing that the outspoken 1% does not speak for the rest of a group, black or white. I do believe that 99% of us live in a city where we are not judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. Let’s all move forward. I call on Greensboro ’s leaders to create more open dialogue on unity.

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