Saturday, February 6, 2010

Conflict of Interest Ethics Rule Proposals for Greensboro City Council members and Guilford County Commissioners

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates should be prohibited from entering into for-profit enterprises dependent upon public support.

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates should be prohibited from making campaign contributions to entities who publicly endorse political candidates.

Current Greensboro City Council members, Guilford County Commissioners and Candidates should be prohibited from accepting campaign contributions from those with conflicts of interests, including leading members of organizations receiving taxpayer money, and/or developers, contractors or their lawyers or agents, for 12 months before and after doing business with Greensboro and Guilford County’s governments.

Suggestions or Objections?


Bob Grenier said...

"Should be" is one thing but "will be" is quite another.

As long as we have people like Perkins and Matheny on council, Alston on the commissioners' podium, and the unholy alliance of the identity agenda crowd with the Buy It/Zone It/Pave It/Build It team, we will not see any change.

"Business As Usual" has its built-in self perpetuation down pat.

George Hartzman said...

I intend to propose these ethics rules at Greensboro City Council and Guilford County Commissioners meetings and recruit as many others who would like to participate as possible.

You in?

Bob said...

There are also issues with people trading votes. It doesn't matter if you abstain from voting for something in which you have a financial interest, if you've lined up the votes you need by promising to return the favor on other items.

George Hartzman said...

Absolutely Bob, therefore if the opportunity to game the system can be eliminated, the playing field could be more level for companies looking to move or expand here, a less corrupt government should creating more jobs for our kids etc…

Triadwatch said...

might do a 6 month before and after because if you do a 12 month before and after it eliminates it completely the giving and seeing the supreme courts decision it opens the flood gates