Monday, November 3, 2008

Add Another Ridiculous Rezoning Case on New Garden Road

Time to add another ridiculous rezoning case to be appealed to the Greensboro City Council when it got a 9-0 denial from the Greensboro Zoning Board. On October 13, 2008 CLICKHERE then proceed to the 1:50 mark on video , it is case number z-08-10-003. Below it the actual case

Z-08-10-003 1302 New Garden Road (East of New Garden Road and south of
Belvidere Place) – An ordinance rezoning from RS-12
(Residential-Single Family) to CD-RM-8 (Conditional District-
Residential-Multi Family) with the following conditions:
1) All exterior lighting shall be directed towards interior of
2) Buildings shall be limited to 3 stories above ground
3) Access limited to one curb cut on New Garden Road.
– for a portion of the property located at 1302 New Garden
Road (0.84 Acres)
– for Kim Reittinger (Sheet 166)


During the presentation to the Greensboro Zoning Commission here is what TRIADWATCH talked about in a earlier post on how neighborhoods are not being notified in zoning cases.

Zack Matheny Greensboro City Council Member also stated that neighborhoods are involved in the process.If you have seen some of these zoning cases lately that is not the case.

For example, Kim Reittinger brought up a rezoning case off of New Garden Road in front of the zoning commission on October 13, 2008 she stated that she had spoke to neighbors, no one opposing it, which was a lie to the zoning commission and to note she didn't have a neighborhood meeting at all. Come to find out from a representative on robinridge road and the turner hills neighborhood almost 101 out of 108 homes were against this rezoning case and their presentation showed a colored map of all the homes against this zoning case .


Here is the letter from a neighbor named Lavon Williams who is against this rezoning case being brought up in front of the Greensboro City Council.They also have a great sample letter to send to the Greensboro City Council. Triadwatch urges everyone to send this sample letter to the Greensboro City Council. And once they see the neighborhood presentation this should be a 9-0 DENIAL from the Greensboro City Council.

The property owner of 1302 New Garden Rd. (a single plot of land located at the edge of our neighborhood) is attempting to rezone her property from a residential-singly family (RS-12) to conditional district-residential-multi family (CD-RM-8). The Planning Department and Zoning Commission have both turned down her proposal. She is now appealing the re-zoning denial to City Council. If approved by the City Council, this property of .84 acres will accommodate approximately 6 rental units. More specifically, the property owner is proposing to build a duplex apartment complex in both the front and back yards of the existing home, which she will retain. The duplexes may be up to 3 stories high! Ms. Rettinger noted she was targeting “handicap use of college students”.

As you can imagine, a multi-family rental complex on this small plot of land is inconsistent with the character and harmony our well established and community-style neighborhood. In addition, it will decrease investment potential, and increase the already high level of traffic on New Garden. It is in direct opposition to the Greensboro 2025 Comprehensive Plan, designed to protect neighborhoods such as yours and ours. Further, allowing an absentee homeowner to convert her single residence property into multi-family rental property will set a precedence for conversion of other property in our neighborhood to be rezoned in this way, and open doors for this type of development in other neighborhoods

We know your neighborhood group FRIENDS OF NEW GARDEN understands the importance of preserving the integrity and quality of the existing neighborhoods. And, we need your help. Will you please let people in your neighborhood know about the proposed rezoning request and let them know that we are asking that concerned citizens voice their opposition to this rezoning request by:
1. Writing a letter to the City Council members. Though not as powerful, we also welcome efforts for e-mailing of City Council members at to Be sure to put a check by all nine council members so that each will receive your message. See the sample letter of opposition below, which highlights the neighborhood’s major concerns regarding this rezoning request.
2. Attend the 5:30 PM City Council meeting on November 18 at 300 W. Washington St. It is critical to have the presence of as many people as possible to clearly demonstrate the degree of opposition to the City Council. All you need to do is show up and stand when asked to demonstrate your objection to the rezoning of 1302 New Garden Road.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide,

Lavon Williams



Dear Mayor Johnson and Greensboro City Council Members,

I am writing to express my opposition to the rezoning of 1302 New Garden Rd., Greensboro, NC from residential-singly family (RS-12) to conditional district-residential-multi family (CD-RM-8). This property is part of the long-established Turner Hills/Robinridge neighborhood and is clearly intended for low-density land use. Allowing this property to accommodate up to 6 three-story rental units within a well-established and thriving single-family neighborhood is certainly out of character and harmony with the existing community. This is particularly true as the applicant is proposing to build a duplex apartment complex in both the front and back yards of the existing home, which she will retain.

The Greensboro 2025 Comprehensive plan calls for protection of “Greensboro’s neighborhoods from potential negative impacts of development, redevelopment, and/or public projects that are inconsistent with the neighborhoods’ livability, architectural, or historical character and reinvestment potential.” Though development is important to the growth and prosperity of the City of Greensboro, the value of that development will only be realized if done in a carefully planned out fashion. Transformation of a single-family residence into a 6-unit multi-family rental complex on .8 acres of land within a mature and family-centered community is not indicative of responsible and carefully constructed planning. In fact, it is contrary to the very mission of the 2025 Comprehensive plan, designed to promote the protection of established neighborhoods and ensure the desirability and stability of residential communities.

The Planning Department, Zoning Commission, and 94% of the homeowners have acted in opposition to the rezoning of 1302 New Garden Road. Please uphold and support the decisions of these groups.

Thank you for your consideration.


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