Some pictures of New Garden Road where it meets Garden Lake Drive. This area seen in the pictures was the subject of a major rezoning case pitting an established neighborhood up against the development community and as you can see who won this battle. If you would like to see the Greensboro News and Record article CLICKHERE , also there was a debatables blog with some insight on some of the attitudes in the area CLICKHERE . Where is that Advisory Commission on Trees?
Now it seems like a new fight with the Greensboro City Council is brewing right down the road where a group of neighbors formed a coalition called
Friends of New Garden to see their web site CLICKHERE .
Friends of New Garden Road is a group of neighborhood residents opposed to the rezoning of 4.69 acres at 1807 and 1809 New Garden Road between Timberoak/Strathmore and Jefferson/Will Doskey to commercial to allow the construction of an "Event Center for weddings and similar parties."
This seems like dejavu all over again, and to add to the usual suspects in this case the lawyer is none other than Derek Allen, who was the same lawyer in the Garden Lake rezoning case.
September 16, 2008 the Greensboro City Council will hear this case and it will be interesting to see where the city stands.
Ever since Jefferson Pilot and David Stonecipher went on a asset plundering game , New Garden Road was never the same. Thanks David you were so loved and admired by many in Greensboro.We should rename New Garden Road the David Stonecipher Over Developed Commercial Traffic Jam.
The developer at what was 1820 New Garden (now the "Villas at New Garden") said he would KEEP the line of Cypress along New Garden and one huge oak (I think it was oak?) tree in the back and work a circle around it. In less than a week after he said this, ALL those trees came down! About two months later we got a post card in the mail asking us to donate money to the city of Greensboro so they could buy trees to plant on clear cut lots and along roadways. It seems to me that if you can get a developer to put in writing they will leave trees in excess of what they are required to and which ones… get them to sign it quick! But I have to ask, what did anybody expect with New Garden, Horse Pen Creek and Bryan Blvd all right there together? Hasn’t history shown us in the last several hundred years, where there is a convergence of travel, there will spring forth commerce? And it does make sense that the strip between Bryan and Battleground will become a commercial strip or very high density housing (RM26 anyone?). The last three have been going that way as it is. RM5, then RM8 and now RM12. It used to be the avg lot was over 60,000 sqft. (1.5+ acre) out there. My what the folks from just 15 years ago must have thought about the tiny ¼ acre lots there now. Surely those would have a negative impact on those large sprawling mini estates, left overs from when this was all farm land, horses still out there till just three years ago. Things will change, it is up to us to take an active part in it’s guidance. Just because a person is doing something you disagree with, communication is a great way to work together to come to a solution all of us can live with.
thanks gomez it looks like you know a thing or two about a lot of happening on new garden. It is a great point you make in getting developers to sign a agreement as in a conditional use on the property to make sure they stick by their word. You say that they only talked about the trees at the villas at new garden but it wasn't in writing that they keep the tree and work around.
It will be good to know in future zoning cases that it better be in writing.
It would be great also as you say they plan for roads if the area will be commercial for new garden to go back down to 2 lane road after jefferson road then pick back up on 4 lane road around brassfield is pathetic. GDOT where are you.
Hi TW, I just listen to what is going on around me (it's the two ear and one mouth thing). I have been reading the issues of contention about 1809 New Garden. Those folks are presented with a developer who WANTS to exclude over two acres of "woodland" (the part oddly enough NEXT to their back doors by 600+/- feet). Personally, from the comments I have seen and heard council make during various meetings, she could go for RM26 and get it. Of course she would have to clear cut the lot, squeeze in the four story apartment buildings, use minimum buffers and plantings. Based on how much vinyl siding there is already on New Garden (and other side streets, hint!) construction materials wont be a financial burden to the developer. I did talk to one of the folks who did make it to a meeting sponsored by the developer. They said it was a large building, but from the way it was described to me, it sounded like about the same size as Rittengers on Brassfield only with a chalet flair to it. I don't know if it's true, but my source is pretty honest about these things, said the developer was willing to make several concessions AND put those conditions in writing. I can't say that I have heard of any other developer around here be willing to do that. I hope these folks come the their senses and realize what the options are and figure it could be so much worse, with out consulting them.
Now, the two lane thing... That came up as a thought over 15 years ago to go to four lanes. Lets just say GDOT is slow on the take sometimes. If you want folks to drop their speed down from 50-55 mph there, just narrow the lanes from the (check me, is it 14' wide?) down to say 12' or even 11' wide. I think the median is a very good idea, I just hope they put trees in it. But I do agree, the road widening needed to happen over ten years ago.
I think we can agree that gdot has it's head in the sand on new garden road and you can also add that horse pen creek road is turning in to a nightmare also. The city planners need to widen new garden now . WHere have they been?
I doubt very seriously that that property 1807 & 1809 would ever be a resiidential multi family 26 the highest designation. That argument is a total scare tactic that Derek "conflict of interest"Allen will use on september 16th I am sure. He will also try to say that the owner wants to donate a piece of crap part of the property to the city or county or land conservancy, nice try derek.
To talk about what the developer will be willing to do there should be plenty of conditions put on this property or any other property that abuts an established neighborhood. There is something you might want to know about that every other city in this state abides by and it is something called a PROTEST PETITION, GReensboro is the only city in the state of North Carolina who doesn't abide by this North Carolina General Statute, click here
There is a coalition who is going to the state level to make Greensboro comply with this North Carolina General Statute and I am sure that these type of assainine rezoning cases would not even be brought to the table if the citizens of Greensboro had this to use in zoning cases.
Hi TW,
You are right about GDOT not being in touch with reality and moving to keep up with development. It seems they are always a few steps (be kind...) behind. As soon as word got out that there was talk about putting the schools and subdivisions in, the design guys should had been on it, but they weren't. The 1809 thing, There is already about 70 acres of RM12 within 1000' of it. Give me a couple of days and I'll see if I can find the council members name who wants that RM26 (at least that is what HE requested when the 1820 property was up before the board). Lets face it, RM18 is probably a realistic zoning. It just seems to me that those folks in Forest Hills don't know what the developers options are, so what if it's "crap" land they want to give away, if it's left alone, remains untouched, does it matter if it's "crap"? Two acres of trees is still two acres of trees,(or about eight of their lots LMAO!!). When you say established neighborhoods, I think of Irving Park, Hamilton Hills, Lindley Park, and Starmount Forest, not subdivisions that have yet to establish a character (a 1985 mustang had no character either) and the houses are less than 15 years old. I have yet to hear anybody over there refer to any house a "the old Smith house". Even from where I live I have heard a few parties going late into the night. Sorry I digress. One of the Forest Hills folks told me CVS was talking to somebody over there to put in a store. The petition in protest is a handy tool but it is still not a silver bullet (I've used it in W-S in relation to some property I have there). Lets face it, GSo could use some improvement, especially in City hall.
PS: why do you dislike Mr. Allen so much?
It is not that I dislike Derek Allen it is the whole TREBIC CARTEL that needs to take a seat and sit down for a change. The slamming of members of this organization on these boards and commissions from the zoning, to planning to land development ordinance committee to the board of adjustment needs to stop . It is time that the fox quits guarding the hen house. I want to see a level playing field when it comes to cases coming in front of any city or county council or commission
I also did a post this past week on Derek Allen's Law firm and their lobbyist who works for the city of Greensboro and how they come in front of the city council for zoning cases which to me is a total conflict of interest and if Derek Allen is a part of the law firm so be it
You can also add the total unethical giving of campaign contributions from these lawyers to city council members . These lawyers consist of Derek Allen and the other lawyer King Zoning Stud Henry Isaacson. I am done with their dog and pony show.
Hi TW,
For the most part, I think you and I would agree on alot of things. I am pretty sure there would be some issues we may not see eye to eye on but you seem intelligent enough that you understand the concept of "agree to disagree". The problem with the positions you mentioned are you have citizens like those on New Garden who don’t really care what is going on in the city as a whole as long as it is not a direct impact on them. I don’t see any of them stepping up to be on a board or council of some sort. Not to mention the amount of time that is needed to do a good job o it. If folks want real change, they need to be ready to do it for themselves. I don’t mind people complaining as long as they can offer a viable solution. I understand there was one gentleman who stated that he refused to listen to ANY options or take part in any discussion what so ever and vowed to oppose ANY development of any sort. Now that was open minded of him wasn’t it. It’s that sort of mentality that has been a hindrance to Gso and just how effective these boards can be. I mean, if you argue with an idiot, you have two in the discussion. I’ll finish now, if folks want to see real change, they need to do it themselves, with an open mind.
you always have to have a open mind on any issue. And yes I think we can agree to disagree. You are right in that citizens need to be a part of the process eiither through serving on boards or commissions or promote your cause through the proper channels.
The only thing I would want to know is how many people are in the databank of applications for the city of Greensboro or any other city and to see if there are people wanting to serve but can't because a certain coalition wants to keeps it's stranglehold on the boards example TREBIC CARTEL. We can also say that ray trapp on zoning was reappointed by goldie wells last month and paul gilmer chairman should not be on board but somehow got backdoored to serve one more time. These 2 people are a part of TREBIC and if there isn't any other person wanting to serve on zoning , fine. But they get reappointed with no opposition, things need to change.
Like you said it might take time but maybe with our coalition of concerned citizens of the triad, we can change the whole area for the better and inform citizens on how they can be a part of process.
I Enjoy bantering back and forth. Have a great day.
Hi TW,
It has been nice to "meet" you. I was beginning to think the city had been over run with lobotomized zealots. I am sorry I had not found you sooner. You sound like you have a fairly encompassing view of the political scene here in Gso. Have a great weekend, I am sure we'll chat again in the not too distant future.
keep on chatting and if there is a issue that you think needs to be talked about in this area of the triad and hasn't been talked about please e mail me at the e mail on my profile and we can see about posting it on triadwatch.
Have a great weekend
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