Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"County commissioners: New city council makes a big difference"

"After the Greensboro City Council elections, several members of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners said they hoped the new council would mean a new relationship between the two boards, which have seen their share of tension.

In other words,
how much can the City Council
cover Guilford County's budget deficit?

...members of the two boards met in a closed door meeting today to try to resolve a long-standing disagreement over their water/sewer trust fund and extending city water/sewer lines to some parts of the county.

Doesn't Guilford County owe the City of Greensboro
millions from the trust fund?

Is Joe Killian going to point that out at some point in print?

Will John Hammer?

From the commissioners' end, at least,
it looks like the meeting was a success.

...Commissioners Chairman Melvin "Skip" Alston
said .."As I predicted,
this new council has been much easier to work with,"


Is there documentation of a "prediction"?

"Sometimes it's just about getting into a room
with the right people.

What does "right people" mean?

I think this is going to be a relationship of cooperation between us
for the benefit of the people of Greensboro and Guilford County."

In what way?

If Skip Alston's Simkins PAC partner Steve Bowden
is on a few Greensboro Partnership committees
which is "helping" the City of Greensboro
by paying a portion of the costs of a new federal lobbyist,
whose parents contributed to Robbie Perkin's campaign,
of whom Mr. Perkins has known said lobbyist since he was six,
as the Greensboro Partnership supported
another billion of debt for Greensboro and Guilford County
and a great deal of whose membership
helped pay for the last election propaganda...?

Councilwoman Nancy Vaughan,
who had been working on the issue as a representative of the city for months,
said she was hopeful that the county and city
could finally reach an agreement.

"We've made progress," she said.

What specific progress?


How is this not propaganda
if the GN&R reports on this,
and not on the campaign contribution connection?


Anonymous said...

Robbie has been wanting to get his hands on this money for years. In this case it directly benefits his good friend Roy Carroll who controls a large portion of the tracts in Eastern GC. Robbie controls the tracts in Western GC and has benefited from W&S there. He wants to see the Northern Loop proceed as well so expect a push from him on W&S there as well. He, of course, controls large tracts there as well.

Billy Jones said...

It was my understanding that Forest Oaks petitioned for and got voluntary annexation into the City of Greensboro. It was cheaper for them to be annexed than to buy water and sewer straight out. They're now taxed, entitled to and should be getting 100% city services.

Billy Jones said...

Okay, I searched the web and it appears my memory was flawed-- did Forest Oaks not petition for voluntary annexation?

Triadwatch said...

forest oaks i do not think petitioned to be a part of greensboro but i do think it is stupid for any municipality to provide water and sewer without first annexing them into the city

Triadwatch said...

anon you are correct our local crony capitalist is wanting this to happen in eastern guilford county and his land buying in the past is highly questinable