Monday, August 1, 2011

Questionable journalism by the Greensboro News & Records Taft Wireback: "Landfill of the future: Turning trash into treasure"

"The EcoComplex is being developed with help from the state university system"

How much financial help is the university system providing?

"the EcoComplex operates in the black, not subsidized by property taxes or the county’s general fund. It pays for itself with landfill tipping fees"

So did Greensboro's.

How can an "EcoComplex" " being developed" operate in the black,
if it doesn't yet exist?

What has been invested on the alternative side,
and what are the profits/losses so far?

"tapping the methane gas that all landfills create as their buried garbage deteriorates. Catawba installed three generators that make enough electricity from landfill gas to power 1,400 households. The EcoComplex earned $800,000 last year selling power to Duke Energy."

Why the hell are we giving our methane away Taft?

Selling methane isn't exactly environmentally friendly by the way,
nor is it new and/or alternative.

Why isn't Greensboro's methane policy mentioned?

How much is Greensboro losing by not selling the White Street methane?

Why isn't it known who is profiting from Greensboro's methane?

"the gasification plant scheduled for construction next year."

How much will the plant cost?

What will the plant's operating costs be?

Is Mr. Wireback suggesting the efficacy of the project is currently unknown?

"Other EcoComplex plans include an ethanol plant, a multi-feedstock anaerobic digester to make biogas, a new wastewater treatment plant to make fertilizer; a greenhouse to convert algae to green energy, and an expanded compost facility."

How much do they plan to borrow?

What will be the profitability?

Is reporting that something is profitable that doesn't actually exist
journalisticly ethical?

Remember Yvonne's $500 million plasma torch?

"We get to talk green-energy credits."

"Credits paid for by borrowing from our children?

Will the project only be "profitable" with taxpayer subsidzation?

Please tell people what the facts are Taft.

This is puff.

Abner Doon

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