Sunday, June 5, 2011

Robbie Perkins, Cardes Brown, Michele Forest, Jordan Green and RUCO

"Rev. [Cardes] Brown's church has outstanding housing code violations that need to be corrected.

They won't have a RUCO violation
unless they tried to rent out the substandard house that they own
before the code violations are corrected.

"2/11/10 Initiate housing process
2/11/10 Unsafe building
2/11/10 Vacant
2/11/10 Hearing notice
3/11/10 Not in compliance
3/11/10 Hearing
3/11/10 Repairs will cost < 50%
3/11/10 Repair order
4/14/10 Reinspection
4/14/10 Not in compliance
4/14/10 Vacant & closed
4/14/10 Schedule reinspection
4/19/10 Reinspesction
5/19/10 Not in compliance
5/19/10 Vacant & closed
5/19/10 Schedule reinspection

The current violations involve exterior structure,
interior structure, electrical equipment and water system.

The initial entry is "initiate housing process,"
so I would assume there wasn't a RUCO issued previously for this property.

So, as you said, that would make these housing code violations
preventing the owner from obtaining a RUCO."

Michele Forest

Does Robbie Perkins have any intention of making a public statement
as a mayorial candidate,
concerning his TREBIC lobbying North Carolina State representatives
to gut RUCO at the state level?

Doesn't Robbie's company financially support TREBIC?

Why is Robbie saying one thing,
and then funding the opposite?

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