Wednesday, May 25, 2011

RUCO with Stacked Deck on Board from Lobbyist Group Wants State Law To Help Their Cause

In the past few days we have one post each from both Yes! Weekly and The Greensboro News and Record in regards to a state law that will probably do away with the Residential Unit Certificate of Occupancy for the City of Greensboro.

Yes! Weekly post titled "Some on Greensboro Council Lukewarm to RUCO" CLICKHERE
Greensboro News and Record Inside Scoop titled "Will City Council Back RUCO" CLICKHERE

 The RUCO board which is  stacked with members of the Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition which is the local non registered lobbyist group headed by Marlene Sanford. In a post from yes weekly in past here is what she had to say about RUCO in Greensboro:

"“It’s no secret that my constituency would like to see this program go away,” said Marlene Sanford, president of the TREBIC, which hosted the meeting."

Then this past week during a work session Jordan Green from Yes! Weekly does a great job of tweeting from the Greensboro City Council chambers and had this as a twitter post:

"Perkins says the RUCO board voted 6 to 5 against sending a letter to the mayor urging the city to oppose the legislation"
Perkins: "The majority said we don’t need RUCO

Now we see that the RUCO board voted against sending a letter to mayor in regards to what is going on in the state house in regards to legislation that will probably do away with RUCO in Greensboro if the state passes a bill.

Who are the members of the RUCO board? and who stacked the deck on the RUCO board with Marlene Sanfords constituencies?

Jordan Green also reported this on 7-21-2010,

"Early in the meeting, Newton caused distress among some of her fellow task force members by expressing the view that the makeup of the RUCO Advisory Board, which hears and determines appeals from decisions of the building inspector, should include more “representation from people who do not profit from rental property.”

Reynolds added that he receives questions about the board makeup “quite often,” and handed out a roster of members to delineate the various members' ties and affiliations. The roster shows that, not counting city council liaison Robbie Perkins and two staff members, six out of 11 members are either agents or owners of rental properties, including Dellinger; Sims; District 3 appointee Peter Placentino, who works for Brown Investment Properties; Bobby Akin of the Greensboro Landlords Association; Bryon Nelson of the Triad Apartment Association; and Todd Rotruck, the representative for the neighborhood congress"

The whole RUCO Board needs a complete overhaul if a majority of the members want to do away with what they are there to do for the citizens of Greensboro. This is a clear indication of what is a real problem with boards and commissions , where a lobbyist group has a stacked deck on a local board and votes the way they did on this issue of RUCO in Greensboro.

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Anonymous said...

From the Yes! post: "The RUCO board has traditionally been stacked with people associated with the real estate industry, who have made no secret of their desire to eliminate the program."

--If this is true, is it ethical for someone to be appointed to a board that oversees a program they wish to eliminate?

--Brandon Burgess

Triadwatch said...

i would say it is not ethical and this is a prime example of a lobbyist organization stacking the deck in their favor on a board or commission that goes on way too much in this county.