Below you will see maps of the Guilford County Commissioners from 1990 to the present one in 2001 and if you would like some explanation on what went on back in the 90's please read this blog post from Guarino's blog
CLICKHERE with a title "How the county commissioners board was stacked to favor democrats".
1990 Guilford County N.C. Commissioners Map
1991 Guilford County Commissioners Districts
2001 Guilford County Redistricting Maps
That 1990 map looks pretty gerrymandered. East Greensboro is split up into three districts with the likely effect of reducing the influence of the minority vote. The western Greensboro precincts are only point contiguous with the rest of District 3. For four districts, it sure seems that the lines could have been drawn straighter.
A couple points flow from this: These maps don't exactly support Guarino's argument that we need to undo the damage of the past two redistricting processes to restore some ideal of the past. Secondly, it appears that the lines have always been drawn to ensure that one group or another can maintain power rather than to maximize the choices for voters.
i like the concept of the 1990 map in that we see one member representing oak ridge, summerfield and the surrounding suburban areas. then we see greensboro have 3 districts and high point have 2 districts and the other area in between.
So to me it could be feasible to see where the population is and have 7 districts made up of 2 from high point, 3 from greensboro and 2 surrounding and still have 2 at large which makes 9.
yes weekly and triadwatch need to get together and come out with maps everyone can be happy with and turn them in to the commissioners.
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