Saturday, March 26, 2011

City of Greensboro Information Request:

Please provide the following details of where "Appropriated Fund Balances",
under "Total Revenue by Major Type",
on page 13 of the City of Greensboro's 2010-11 Adopted Budget:

Where did the Actual 2008-09 $33,421,883 come from
and what was it spent on?

As part of overall efforts to balance the General Fund Budget without a tax rate increase,
the General Fund will receive transfers
from the Network Services Fund ($1,745,000) and the Parking Fund ($955,000).

Fund Balance

The City of Greensboro fund balance policy states
that “each year the estimated savings realized from unexpected appropriations
in the General Fund shall be evaluated
with respect to appropriation to the following year’s revenue budget
as Appropriated Fund Balance to assist in financing that year’s budget.”

Appropriated fund balance amounts are increasing from $21.7 million to over $30 million.

Appropriated fund balance for the General Fund increases from $4.7 million in FY 09-10
to over $5 million in FY 10-11.

Appropriated fund balance in the Debt Service Fund
will increase from $7.5 million in the current year to $8.7 million for FY 10-11
to help support increased principle and interest payments
and offset lowered interest income earnings.

The Technical Services Fund
will draw down $1.5 million in fund balance
to cover the cost of radio replacements scheduled for FY 10-11.

The Network Services Fund
will appropriate $1.8 million in fund balance to cover the cost
of a one-time transfer of funds to the General Fund.

This support is necessary to help the balance the General Fund budget.

Greensboro's 2010-11 Adopted Budget

If $5 million + $8.7 million + $1.8 million
+ $1.745 million + $.955 million = $18.2 million,
where is/did the other $11.8 million go,
and where is it coming from in 2010-11's Adopted Budget?

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