Thursday, August 26, 2010

Greensboro News & Record Editorial on the White Street Landfill from June 28, 2009

"Editorial: It's a dirty job, but ...
Small wonder the City Council seems more eager these days to discuss a new swim center than an old landfill.
Talking trash is neither as much fun nor as easy.
…the council chose to avoid the most obvious.
…the costs and implications of reopening the White Street Landfill."
Why would who give whom permission to build and sell new homes near a landfill,
and why did who buy them?

"The landfill opened in 1940.

Further, some of the houses nearest the landfill weren't built until 1990.

If a few purchased relatively inexpensive homes
near a landfill established more than 60 years ago,
why should the many unaffected who may have paid more for their residences
to avoid potential hazards and easements,
be taxed to have trash shipped elsewhere during a recession?

"…the question of where garbage goes and for how much is important
and will affect the lifestyles and pocketbooks here for decades to come…

…cost is particularly pertinent given the ongoing economic downturn
and tightening city budgets."

Should you do what you need to whether you like it or not,
sooner than later?

"…Between July 1, 2008, and May 31 of this year
the city spent $7.67 million using the transfer station…

In terms of pure dollars and cents,
maintaining and expanding the White Street facility remains the least costly option."

Is it hard to get entrenched economic and political leadership to understand,
if relative legitimacy depends on not understanding?

"The council knew this all along.

A 2001 consultant's report projected the White Street option as costing between $3.60 and $4.30 per household, versus $9.40 to $13.30 for "out-of-county disposal," and $26 to $31 for burning and recycling,

…which option serves the greater good?

Further, there is ample room to expand in that area, mostly on land where development is sparse.

Expansion would buy time for even longer-term regional and technological solutions.

Put all of the facts on the table and revisit all of the options.

Ask everything that needs asking while there is time, especially the hardest questions."

Greensboro News and Record Editorial Board, June 28, 2010

Should many well run businesses and educated workers
be attracted by what could be a financially sound well managed municipality
with relatively low tax rates,
as what may be the worst recession since the Great Depression
transitions into a new era of economic growth?

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