Two on one, time divided equally between three.
It is not bigotry to be certain we are right
but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine
how we might possibly have gone wrong
G K Chesterton
I, George Hartzman, challenge Bill Howard and Afrique Kilimanjaro of the Carolina Peacemaker
to a public debate
in a venue of Mr. Howard and Kilimanjaro's choosing,
with a moderator of Mr. Howard and Kilimanjaro's choosing,
on any subject of Mr. Howard and Kilimanjaro's choosing.
The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye
the more light you pour upon it the more it will contract
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
Can you hate someone you don’t know?
Even doubtful accusations
leave a stain behind them
Thomas Fuller
If ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds bigotry
does bigotry breed hate?
Does insult echo insecurity?
It is an unmistakable lesson of history
that when one group of people starts to see another group of people
as ‘other,’ or as ‘different,’ as ‘undeserving’ as ‘inferior’
ill treatment inevitably follows
Air Force Reserve Major David J R Frakt
Should we hate, slur, scapegoat, resent, envy, stigmatize
or stereotypically generalize when threatened?

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