Sunday, May 23, 2010

Did City of Greensboro officials intentionally mislead the Greensboro News and Record’s Amanda Lehmert?

If the City Budget Director removed $125,000 plus $100,000 plus $156,000
from the Greensboro Coliseum’s 2010/11 budget,
will taxpayers be "contributing" a reported $1.6 million or about $2,000,000?

For supporters, that alone makes the city’s contribution to coliseum operations,
which will be about $1.6 million next year, worth it.

Amanda Lehmert

Can the wants of a few who know
outweigh the needs of many that don’t until a majority figures it out?

“...We are projecting the Coliseum Complex's operating budget deficit
for the FY 2010/11 to be $1,587,542
or $245,910 or 15% lower than FY 09/10 Operating Budget Deficit.

This marks the sixth year in a row that the Coliseum Complex has reported a lower year end deficit than had been budgeted.”

Matt Brown
Memo to City Council,
WMC, Rashad Young, Bob Morgan, R. Lusk, L. Davis, J. Fletcher and S. Johnson
April 12, 2010

What should the electorate expect
from leadership dependent on the status quo?

“The City Budget Director agreed with our request
that funding for the three scheduled roof repairs
should come under the auspices of the City General Capital Repair account
resulting in the removal of this $125,000 budgeted expense
in the Coliseum Complex budget.

The City Manager agreed...the two lease payments of $100,000 and $156,000
should not be charged against the Coliseum Operating Budget…”

Matt Brown
Memo to WMC, Rashad Young and Bob Morgan, but not City Council
April 16, 2010

If Greensboro’s City Council was informed that the FY 2010/11 contribution
would be $1,587,542, but Rashad Young, Bob Morgan
and the (functionally useless since 1994?) War Memorial Commission
are aware of accounting manipulations, have some City Council Members been mislead
by not being made aware of what they should know?

“What the coliseum brings in — the economic impact is huge for restaurants
and everything else,” Councilman Zack Matheny said.

Amanda Lehmert

Do some politicians pacify the electorate with platitudes
while promising the status quo to those enjoying legislated benefits?

“It’s completely ridiculous,” Councilman Robbie Perkins said.
“The single biggest threat to the operation of the coliseum is the Greensboro City Council.
They are undermining an expert (Brown).”

Amanda Lehmert

Are some Council Members who have received free perquisites via Coliseum management
acting unusually protective of indefensible actions?

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure
when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them

Patrick Henry

At what point should Coliseum freebees be considered bribes?

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation
the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators

P J O'Rourke


Anonymous said...

the $1.6 million also does not take into account the motel/hotel taxes and the $450,000 from the Visitors Bureu that was used to cover Colisium debt.

Like magic, only different.

Anonymous said...

Does the City of Greensboro cover about 19% of the Coliseum's budget, even after Rashad Young let Matt Brown off the hook for the Canada Dry leases?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why would the City of Greensboro respond to an information request by not asking Council Members whether or not they recieved free passes?

Greensboro and Guilford County Information Requests Emailed February 24, 2010

Free Tickets To The Circus Handed Out By Greensboro City Council Members, Is This Legal or Ethical or Conflict of Interest?

Saturday, February 20, 2010