If you want to get a history of just how the local developers or you can call them TREBIC stacked the deck as you can see from the above video with a ratio of 8 developers - 3 others Yes Weekly has a article with a title "Developers more assertive on panel to rewrite ordinance", CLICKHERE,
Then over the summer of 2009 Triadwatch went to a community public meeting at Leonard Rec Center on the LDO rewrite and also looked at the document in question . One glaring issue that came out of the meeting was a post on July 27, 2009 with a title "Greensboro neighborhoods will NOT get a fair shake in the zoning process , thanks to TREBIC", CLICKHERE
Then a few days ago we see that the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress has some of the same problems where TREBIC members on this LDO would not want to make it a requirement to meet with the neighborhoods here is that post CLICKHERE
During the meeting we also find out that city staff was the ones who sent out the invites to this citizens advisory team. When will these elected officials or staff quit putting all these TREBIC members on these boards and commissions.
In a future post we will see how the City of Greensboro and the Guilford County Commissioners wanted to form a task force to come up with ways to save money and consolidate departments, High Point doesn't want any part of this consolidating. Wouldn't you know it that the president of TREBIC was the chairman of this committee in Marlene Sanford with plenty of other TREBIC members stacking the deck again in TREBIC's favor.
When will we ever see a time where TREBIC doesn't have it's hands in every board and commission and advisory council . It must be nice to have a luncheon right before this LDO meeting to get unfettered access to our local officials at Grandover, like TREBIC hosted last week.
Start looking out for the citizens not the special interest.

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