Above is the video from the Greensboro City Council meeting on 2-16-2010 where Greensboro City Council member Zack Matheny and Danny Thompson had a little back and forth on just who is the right person in the City of Greensboro. It was a breath of fresh air to hear Zack Matheny talk about the right people being the whole city of Greensboro and hear Danny Thompson talk about the usual suspects in Action Greensboro and the Greensboro Partnership. The video was talking about the new initiative from google and the application process.Enjoy the video.

Keith, I am not particularly fond of going out of one's way to give Action Greensboro or the Greensboro Partnership a place at the table in view of their awful recent history.
But there may be a subtext to this exchange that some might not understand. Could it be that Matheny, Vaughan and/or Perkins were quite unhappy that Thompson got out in front on this particular issue? Listen to Matheny's comments "between the lines".
Joe Guarino
I have laughed my ass off watching the expression from Zack at the 3:32 mark (when Thompson says "we" are the city of Greensboro).
Great video work Keith.
joe, i am sure Zack Matheny was chomping at the bit to talk about who are the right people in Greensboro. I think that there needs to be a whole mentality shift where the usual suspects will quit being at the front of the line and start looking out for the whole city.
Tony, thanks on the video i also have the ability to add captions that could get fun to produce.
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