Today every single member of the Greensboro City Council met their requirement and took the state mandated Ethics Training at the Guilford Agricultural Center along with over 80 other elected officials in the area . This from a earlier post CLICKHERE
The training was conducted by James Blackburn who is counsel for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.
The Greensboro News and Record has a post out tonight with a title "Ethics Session Raises Questions About Hotel Vote", CLICKHERE it seems like Guilford County Commissioner Billy Yow was wanting to know more about conflicts of interest.
Maybe in the future we will see more ethics laws and ordinances from local elected officials similar to the one's proposed by George Hartzman CLICKHERE and also Joe Guarino has a post as well on the topic of ethics on the local level CLICKHERE
Time for a huge change in our local elected officials mindset on ethics because anyone want to bring up the airplane ride to D.C. and our county chairman and ex mayor.
UPDATE: Joe Killian from the Greensboro News and Record also has another post on the ethics training that took place today 2-16-2010 CLICKHERE

municpal ethics training = here is what you can get away with.
"James Blackburn, legislative counsel for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners"
James Blackburn doesn't represent the people.
He represents the NC Association of County Commissioners.
He is the County Commissioner Lobbyist.
A Political Industry Lobbyist taught an Ethics course for our local politicians.
That's like a Drug rep doing continuing ed for doctors and giving a honest assesment of a competitors product.
what a scam.
He's an attorney who was teaching the ethics law. He is imminently qualified to do the training. You are comparing apples to oranges.
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