Knight Bill
The new Mayor of Greensboro Bill Knight has turned in his end of the year 2009 campaign contribution forms to the Guilford County Board of Elections with many discrepencies that are simple to get but way too many local politicians think it is ok to not put these items on their forms.
Let's take a look at what our campaign laws of this state have to say.
163‑278.11. Contents of treasurer's statement of receipts and expenditures.
(a) Statements filed pursuant to provisions of this Article shall set forth the following:
(1) Contributions. – Except as provided in subsection (a1) of this section, a list of all contributions received by or on behalf of a candidate, political committee, or referendum committee. The statement shall list the name and complete mailing address of each contributor, the amount contributed, the principal occupation of the contributor, and the date such contribution was received. The total sum of all contributions to date shall be plainly exhibited. Forms for required reports shall be prescribed by the Board. As used in this section, "principal occupation of the contributor" means the contributor's:
a. Job title or profession; and
b. Employer's name or employer's specific field of business activity.
As you can see from the above North Carolina law your campaign forms need to provide this information of job title and profession. From the above scribd document of the mayor's campaign forms he had a total of 29 different campaign contributors and 21 of them are by their treasurer Beth Hemphill labeled "Unknown" which is around a 72% of the forms are not complete and should be amended.
How hard it is to get in touch with these people to find out this information let's take a closer look at some of the unknowns on this list. Google is a great source along with the white pages online to find this information out.
Here is some phone numbers to guide you to the promised land of providing this information to treasurer Beth Hemphill
Jimmy Shoffner 288-2727
Orton Jones 288-8898
Reginald Sipe 273-9312
Michael Nash 370-4144 and if this is the lawyer here is his web site for occupation CLICKHERE, he is even unknown on his address as well
James McNairy III 378-1564 , here is a link to his profession CLICKHERE
Walter Underwood 292-4685
George Brumback 288-8702, the same one on the local bond commission
Jeff Tillman 851-2194, with his own blog runsmart2win CLICKHERE
Anne Callicott (self employed/homemaker), (Zip code: 27408) $200 to SHARP PENCIL PAC on 05/24/05, what is Sharp Pencil PAC? That is Howard Coble's affiliated PAC CLICKHERE
It isn't that hard to get this information and this is just the first posting of campaign forms that will get a second look from this blog and hopefully others as well. We can also note from this end of the year returns there was plenty of contributions that went up to the limit on giving before you have to divulge any information to the board of election with on the scribd document you can see that 22 out of 24 gave the maximum of $50 to his campaign without reporting your vital information.
Maybe in the future it will be that any person who even gives a sum of $1 or more will need to show all their information to the campaign reports not just over $50. We also have a new law where the threshold to report has went from $3,000 down to $1,000 on all campaigns in North Carolina . So this means plenty of more candidates will have to file reports in a timely manner.
Let's see how many other local candidates campaign reports look like and if anyone else like Guilford County Commissioner Kirk Perkins will get a Gold Star for reporting CLICKHERE
or will they be like the mayors reports that you see above which wouldn't even get a Star. The mayor is also Howard Coble's treasurer and is a accountant as well. This is the reporting he does on his own campaign, wow.
More at the Greensboro News and Record with a report at inside scoop titled "It Pays To Be Mayor" CLICKHERE
Roch 101 with a post CLICKHERE

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