Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 12:16 PM
Subject: Greensboro Partnership Governmental Affairs Position Opening
Importance: High
Per our conversation, attached is a job description for the position of Manager of Governmental Affairs for the Greensboro Partnership. Please review and forward to anyone who you feel may be qualified and interested in this opportunity. Posting this description to any appropriate listservs you control or participate in is also appreciated. Deadline for submission is February 5, 2010.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,
Jason A. Cannon
Vice President, Governmental Affairs
The Greensboro Partnership
(336) 387-8330
(336) 275-9287 (fax)
As you can see from above, this email from Friday January 8, 2010 will show you the relationship between Marlene Sanford from the Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition (TREBIC) and Jason Cannon from the Greensboro Partnership . Why does this email above even matter well let's take a look at a recent article in the Greensboro News & Record with a title "Commissioners skeptical about merging depts.with Greensboro" CLICKHERE this past week. Here is a little part of the article.
"Marlene Sanford is chairwoman of the Intergovernmental Planning Task Force, which has been studying a merger since April. She’s also president of the Triad Real Estate and Building Industry Coalition. She said her task force’s study found that the county can’t count on a merger saving money or making the departments more efficient, but it would make development easier once the economy turns around.
Sanford’s task force recommended a merger by the end of the year, saying the path for developers is too obstructed now."
Now we have the president of TREBIC who has an agenda and is the chairman of this Intergovernmental Planning Task Force, what a joke. Now we need to take a closer look at who are the members of this Intergovernmental Planning Task Force. Here is a closer look at who is on this committee. Here is what is on the greensboro n.c. web site CLICKHERE
This task force includes people with a variety of interests to provide a well-balanced perspective on issues facing Guilford County and the cities located within the county. The primary charge of the task force is to study the pros and cons of merging the cities' planning and inspection functions with the county's planning and inspection functions. The task force will review key issues and provide recommendations to the County Commissioners and City Councils.
Task Force Appointees
Jeff Deal Guilford Planning Board
Henry Isaacson TREBIC MEMBER, Ex-Mayor Johnson's Steering Committee
Marlene Sanford TREBIC President
Sandy Carmany Pleasant Garden Town Manager
Michael Brandt Summerfield Town Manager
Bruce Oakley Oak Ridge Town Manager
Dan Pritchett Engineering firm
Mike Westcott Engineering firm
Keith Price TREBIC MEMBER for Samet
Greg Garrett TREBIC MEMBER for Shugart
Susan Spangler Greensboro Zoning
Ray Trapp Greensboro Zoning
Marsh Prause TREBIC MEMBER for Smith Moore Leatherwood Law Firm Neighborhood Congress
Chuck Truby TREBIC MEMBER CPT engineering
Mary Skenes TREBIC representative for Yost and Little and Greensboro Zoning
Take a look above at all the TREBIC members of this intergovernmental agency 10 out of 18. This is what is wrong with soo many boards and commissions in Greensboro and Guilford County the deck is stacked in their favor. As the saying goes look at the FOX GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE. To hear them say on the web site that this is a well balanced perspective is laughable.
When will see a change in the mind set on who needs to be appointed to these boards and commissions because it has become a broken record. How has it become a broken record because here is what was reported back in 2008 from the protest petition for Greensboro N.C. blog
"In the Triad Business Journal January18-24 2008 in the Triad Talk section this is what was said. " Developers always have the upper hand in Guilford County" says Reid Phillips, an attorney with Brooks Pierce in Greensboro. They have boards packed with their people. They have experience. They are masters of divide and conquer. They can also wear people out with continuances.
It is hard for grass roots efforts to compete with this modus operandi."
Also in the same post let's also take a look at what was reported back in May 22, 2008 and look at some of the members of this land development ordinance committee if you would like to see the whole article on the propoganda TREBIC letter sent to the state legislators to deny the citizens of Greensboro the right to Protest Petition CLICKHERE . Below is another part of this post.
Where can we start with this one 2 points first on how your hear them say "most developers voluntarily meet with neighbors". The key word is "most" it is amazing that there is not a requirement for the developers to meet with neighbors in Greensboro.David Wharton who is a member of the Greensboro Land Development Ordinance Committee had this to say"This might interest you: I and others tried hard to get a "meet and confer" requirement written into the new ordinance, which would require a developer seeking a rezoning to meet with the neighbors beforehand and to report to the zoning commission the outcome of the meeting.
The best we could get was a requirement that developers must report to the zoning commission on their efforts to confer with neighbors, which means that if they didn't try to meet, they have to say that."
As you can see David Wharton says the best we could get, because people like Gary Rogers with Starmount Company,Trip Brown with Brown Investment,Keith Price with Samet Companies,James Cox with Mid-City Urban,Jessica Marlies with Brooks Pierce Law Firm,Mike Fox with Tuggles Duggins Law Firm,Dick Franks with Koury Corp.,Gary Hill with McAlphine Company,Gary Wolf with SparrowWolf Law Firm, and Mary Skenes with Yost and Little. So 10 out of 14 are TREBIC members or close allies with TREBIC for the Land Development Ordinance Citizen Advisory Team. As said before by Lawyer Reid Phillips ,boards get packed with TREBIC all the time especially in Greensboro where as Mike Barber said at a Greensboro City Council meeting on April 1st "TREBIC has been contacted and TREBIC has some interest".
The other point has to do with TREBIC saying that " Protest Petition is antiquated and should be repealed statewide". It should be noted that Protest Petitions are not antiquated but the exemption of Greensboro from this North Carolina General Statute is antiquated. Let's have the State Legislators pass a bill to make Greensboro comply with this statute and then TREBIC can lobby to deny the citizens of the whole state of North Carolina their right to protest unwanted development in their neighborhood.Good luck with that endeavor.
It is also noted that they left out the condescending quote from Gary Rogers TREBIC chairman saying that Greensboro had the foresight to exempt themselves from Protest Petitions.No, Mr. Rogers, it was not foresight. It was an effort to take away a right of the citizens to use the power of petitions against unwanted development in established neighborhoods
Look at some of the same names on the ldo committee and this intergovernmental agency . Gary Wolf, Gary Hill, Mary Skenes , Keith Price and TREBIC in general. QUIT,QUIT, QUIT doing this. We saw the true colors of TREBIC when they tried to deny every citizen of Greensboro the right to Protest Petition in the zoning process. As we have seen lately it has proven to be a major part of the process in cases on elm and cornwallis plus also the spring garden zoning case with the newman buildings which will come up soon in a future case.
We still haven't even talked about the deck stacking of TREBIC on the RUCO commission .
It is time for a complete overhaul of all of these boards and commissions in Guilford County and not let these lobbying groups like TREBIC stack the deck in their favor.

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