Triad Citizens Against Government Waste with the honor going to NCDOT with help from the Greensboro City Council and a posthumous recognition to Project Homestead with help from Michael King who had the Greensboro CIty Council wrapped around his finger .
Great article on the front page of the Greensboro News & Record by Taft Wireback CLICKHERE or click on the title above.
This is also a warning to all residents of Northern Greensboro if you can see the map it shows the interchanges that will take out a lot of land and houses for the loop to meet with Bryan Boulevard. There will be major interchanges at yanceyville street,elm street, lawndale dr. and battleground avenue.
This map also has it saying," North Carolina Department of Transportation finalized the location for all sections of the loop in 1996. Detailed plans and schedules are available at the NCDOT Division 7 office and GDOT Administrative office." As you can see from the picture above
If you take the above statement and the map above with the interchanges then why in the hell did quail oaks subdivision ever get built. The reason I say this is because in article it states that Project Homestead bought the land in 2000 but as the map states the loop interchanges were finalized in 1996 which is 4 years earlier.
There are a lot of questions that need to be answered and hope Taft Wireback will also follow up on this issue.
Does anyone know who was on the Board of Directors for Project Homestead?
good question but the only one they needed was michael king
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