Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another Addition to the Robbie's Recusals from Greensboro City Council Meeting for May 21, 2013

Here is another addition to Robbie's Recusals from Greensboro City Council for May 21, 2013

for this agenda item from our dear friend Richie Rich Roy Carroll

Ordinance in the amount of $225,000 amending the General Fund budget for the pass-through of a Guilford County Economic Development Incentive Grant to Park View Development LLC.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

N.C. Press Blowhards Won Battle But Not War in Regards to Public Notices in North Carolina

The associated press"AP" is reporting this for all the newspapers with a headline "NC Newspapers Tout Win Over Public Notice Bill"

One bill that passed crossover in the North Carolina Legislature is Senate Bill #287 and is still alive in the North Carolina House of Representatives.

In the AP report this is said,"Rep. Marilyn Avila, R-Wake, successfully pushed for an amendment that replaced the whole bill with her own measure maintaining newspaper control but with discounted rates in cases of multiple notices and free Web publishing."

Here is a report from the NC Press blowhards

"The amendment to HB 755 was sponsored by Rep. Marilyn Avila (R)-Wake. Her amendment completely substituted the language of the DENR public notices bill with the language of HB 723, the NCPA-backed compromise bill.
The vote shown are on the amendment. The main bill, as amended,was not voted on by the House on May 15. The amendment was also being attached to HB 504 and SB 287. All three bills were re-referred to the House Rules Committee."
What is interesting to see is how the NC Press blowhards want to substitute their pathetic do nothing bill as a whole substitution and they want to attach this amendment to Senate Bill #287 if it comes in front of the NC House since this is the last bill standing that will save millions in taxpayer money all over this state.

What needs to be done is that the blowhards from NC Press can add this amendment house bill 723 to senate bill 287  but it WILL NOT COMPLETELY substitute the whole language that is already in Senate Bill 287. The NC Press blowhards can have their amendment added to the cities and counties who want to live in the 1940's and keep on wasting taxpayer money at a dying product but allow the cities and counties who understand this is 2013 and they can provide this information to their constituents and save the taxpayers million of dollars.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Court Costs: where your fine from speeding tickets really goes - WECT TV6-WECT.com:News, weather & sports Wilmington, NC

Court Costs: where your fine from speeding tickets really goes - WECT TV6-WECT.com:News, weather & sports Wilmington, NC

Must read article on just where your money goes when getting a speeding ticket. I like the $7.50 that goes into the officer retirement fund.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Guilford County Taxpayers on Hook for $86,406.67 for One Day Publication in Greensboro News and Record Tax Delinquency Bill for 2013

Plenty of talk lately about public notices and changing the laws in this state so that the taxpayers will not have to foot the bill for one day invoices like this one below for the Greensboro News and Record which cost taxpayers $86,406.67 towards tax delinquency public notice law under NCGS 105-369. This is a complete waste of money and needs to go away and hopefully by next week we will have some good news out of Raleigh North Carolina where the State Representatives are working on a local bill for Guilford County that will do away with these kind of invoices sent to the taxpayers of Guilford County.

Senator Wade's Public Notice Bill #287 Headed to House Floor Next Week,

Senate Bill #287 with primary sponsor in Local Guilford Delegation Senator Dr. Trudy Wade is making it's way through the House side of the North Carolina Legislature and it looks like it will come up for a House vote on Tuesday May 14th 2013 . Here is a report from the North Carolina League of Municipalities who are in favor of this bill,

"Two bills advanced by the House Judiciary Subcommittee B Wednesday would grant certain counties and the municipalities wholly within those counties electronic notice authority. SB 287 Notice Publication by Some Local Govs and HB 504 Local Electronic Notice each grant specific counties and their municipalities the option of publishing legally required notices on their own websites and through other means, rather than purchasing advertising space in a print newspaper. Municipalities chose electronic notice authority as an advocacy goal because current law requires them to spend upwards of $4 million annually on newspaper advertising statewide, at a time when print newspaper readership is declining and newspaper readers are not looking for public notices. Both bills now head to the House floor likely next week. SB 287 has already passed the Senate and would become law if it is approved by the full House without any changes. HB 504 would still need Senate approval before becoming law."

Then we have the North Carolina Press Association who is having a conniption over the idea of saving taxpayers money and having local governments provide the public notice to their taxpayers, check out 
MEMBER ALERT on their front page.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

THANK YOU RHINO TIMES for Years of Service to the Triad Community

Triadwatch would like to thank the Rhinoceros Times for their service to the whole triad community with their reporting of local news for the past 20 years. It was a shocker to hear the news about the closing of the Rhino Times but as we see in the last post from John Hammer he says this"And we'd like to add that The Rhino Times will continue to have a web presence for as long as possible."

Hopefully John Hammer can bounce back from this and become a web savy reporter especially hearing from our picture embedded

this quote in the Greensboro News and Record “I think it’s good news for the city,” Perkins said. “It’s sad to see any business fail, but I’ll be glad to see the negativism they inject into the city every week go away.”

Thanks for taking the high road on this subject the Jack Ass Mayor of Greensboro was quoted in paper and we see ROCH101 with a great post to boot on the Mayor.

One aspect of the Rhino Times that has been very controversial to local government employees is the list of salaries each year from city,county,and school system which is a huge eye opener to seeing all the salaries of our local government. Who might take up this mantle since the Rhino is no longer in existence? Here is a link to a post I did on the 2012 edition of the local salaries that stays in top 5 most looked at post on triadwatch,  CLICKHERE

Thursdays will never be the same in regards to picking up the Rhino Paper for the past 20 years but hopefully we will see them all bounce back and provide the Triad area with some valuable reporting for all of us to read.